Data decay can be attributed by many aspects right
from the entering erroneous data to faulty programming logic. The upbeat – most
of these bloopers can be avoided. You can make your database hale and hearty by
following five tips…
Start it Right
The first step that can lead to the data decay
is Data Entry. If you take enough care at this step, you can end up avoiding
data entering into later stages of data decay. For this, you can incorporate software
with filters in your data structure to make a flawless instead of tarnishing the
Catch Audience Even if They Move On
Do you know that more than 25% of the data gets
decayed every year? With such facts, it is tough to handle database with
millions of records where the risk factor is completely high. However, till
date there isn’t any software that can detect and prevent data decay. However,
there is software that can identify and flag the records that are not updated
within the business parameters of the organization.
Collate Properly
When it is data, it is quite obvious there are compatibility
issues. Every data structure might be restricted to supporting few sources. And
when you try to collate high quality data with low quality data; you are obviously
stabbing your database to death. Data has to be merged with utmost care. Your
checklist for merging…
of Data
of each data structure being merged
Duplication and Harmonization
Organizations operating from different places
diversified architecture face issues related to synchronization of data. The
master database is duplicated and the data from all the places is collated. If the
synchronization is lost, then it might happen that one data source updates the
data and it might not reflect in other data sources affecting the on-going
business. Though the whole process is burdensome, it needs utmost patience and
So, do you want to spend money again and again
for updating your database or take just 5 simple measures and keep your data
clean and accurate and healthy?
You still find it tough to do it? Email Data
Group is anyways there to help you out. You can just call us on (800)-708-7992 or email us at and discuss your issues with us. We would love
to hear from you.
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